Above: Bacravian Speratists take members of the Civilian Militia prisoner during the Siege of Saint Michael's.
Since the start of the Bacravian Seperatist's campaign, there have been several active units within Bastonia as well as in the surrounding countryside. Mainly rural areas, and places with a majority of ethnic Bastonians.
There are reportedly 200 members of the Civilian Militia, with 10 units active at any one time.
For such a rural based Militia they are surprisingly well armed, with access to AK47s and the odd RPG. Their are also 2 sniper teams active within the capital city.
The Civilian Militia have no allegiance, and have been seen to fight both Government Forces and Bacravian Seperatists. However, they have fought with the Seperatists more than anything.
The leader of the Civilian Militia is one Mikhail Kozlov, aged 45, from rural Bastonia. Fought for the Government during the first Seperatist war, getting shot in the leg and discharged. He is trained in close combat and is especially good with firearms. Wears trademark navy tracksuit and balaclava.